February and March seemed to drag and fly by at the same time. Here's a smattering of highlights from the last two months:
Carol and DB visited at the end of March to watch the kids while Chris and I went to a wedding in Yreka, CA. It was our first weekend away from the kiddos and we had a great time relaxing, eating Mexican food and watching March Madness/reading (guess who did what). Here's a picture of Melissa and me before the wedding - isn't she a gorgeous bride??
Carol stayed for a week to help us move into the new house. She is an amazing woman with SO much energy and is always on task. The kids loved having Grandma here and we truly could not have accomplished the move without her help. Thanks Grandma Carol! Check out her blog for more photos of all the fun (good thing someone thinks to take them!).

Here are some other random photos from the last couple of months:
Thanks for your kind words. I love being with the kids. You are a great mother and they are adorable babies. Melissa is a beautiful bride. Keep posting. I love it.
Wow-great pictures Jess.
I love the green sweater.
Love you guys.
Jess -
I love what a creative mom you are (I'm taking notes for the future) with the wheat-grass growing race :) AND I absolutely LOVE the sweater!
WOW, WOW, WOW -- I can't believe you knit that AWESOME sweater! Holy smokes! You've totally inspired me to dig out my crocheting basket and keep plugging away at the pot-holder I've been working on since Christmas. Four months and four inches later, I'm thinking I need to take up knitting instead. Hee hee... :-)
I love all the pics of the girls! And congrats on your new house! It's beautiful. Maybe I'll get a chance to see it someday. We are heading down to Portland in June for a wedding -- I'll email you before we come and maybe see if you are up for meeting at a park or something with your kids???
Can I PLEASE have some knitting lessons next time we all get together!! You are amazing!! I just knit and pearl, knit and pearl prefferably in straight lines or in a circle :0)
Have you tried growing scarlett runner beans? They are supposed to be great for racing because they grow so fast and if you plant them in a little plaster they will crack right out of it. Linc and I have a book called "Linnea's windowsill garden" that has all kinds of really cool gardening ideas! I never thought to do a wheat grass race!!
i love your post!!! and i really appreciate how you are able to create things for your kids. they are going to cherish you when they understand what it's all about:). although they surely cherish you now!!!
steven & i planted some teeny tiny forget-me-nots in a teeny tiny pot a couple of weeks ago. they are growing ever so slowly....come on, guys.
The house looks so cozy!
..And i love all your photos, what kind of camera do you use?
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