We've had record breaking temperatures in Portland this week. It feels more like Phoenix than the supposedly rainy Pacific Northwest. My dad joined us for a trip to the beach to escape the heat (although today was comparatively cool here at only 94 degrees!) The girls just LOVE the water and spent most of their time running in and out of the waves, screaming and giggling in pure ecstasy. It was a perfect day!
(You may remember these photos from our last trip to Cannon Beach. It's fun to see how much the girls have grown since then!)
Friday, July 31, 2009
cannon beach 09
Posted by Jessica at 12:37 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Summer fun
I guess I broke my promise to have vacation pictures up last week - I really should know better than to make promises where blog posts are concerned. But to save myself from the "bad blogger" award, I'll post some pictures of some things we've been up to since returning home.
Last weekend was full of time spent in Portland. One bad thing about living in the suburbs is that we rarely make it into the city to explore. I hate driving and parking downtown, and sometimes the MAX just seems like too much work. But I overcame my driving phobia to venture out to Jamison Square park. You may remember this video which was taken there two summers ago. The girls had tons of fun and we met up with our good friends Jess and Matt to sit in the shade of the trees and listen to Matt's brother play guitar. Good times!
Later that night we met up with Jess and Matt again for dinner at Andina (soo soo good - even with the tiny portions and large price tag!) and some walking around downtown. The next day we met up with some friends at Portland Saturday (and Sunday) market. Here's the only picture taken at the market...the kids hate sitting for pictures!All in all it was a great and fun-filled weekend. I spent more time in Portland those two days than I have in the past year! I think I'll make it a goal to venture downtown at least once a month to go exploring...there are so many neighborhoods to check out (and good restaraunts and bakeries to try!).
Last week the girls and I joined Chris at his weekly volleyball game. He plays in a parks and rec intramural league throughout the year, and they play sand volleyball at a nearby park in the summer. The girls actually watched most of the game before getting bored and wandering off to play.
The waning evening light was so pretty, even the weeds looked magical!
At the end of last week we took a day trip to Lincoln City to visit Chris' aunt and cousin. Lindsey volunteers at the Newport Aquarium and we learned so much as she played tour guide through the exhibits. Thanks for a great day, Mary and Lindsey!

Posted by Jessica at 11:20 AM 3 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
six years...
Six years ago we stood at the altar pledging our lives and love to one another, for better or for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live. It's by the grace of God that we have mostly had better, but in those dark, lonely, scary times there's no one I would rather have by my side than you. Happy anniversary, hon!
On our road-trip we were able to spend some time in Carpinteria, our favorite little beach town where Chris proposed and the place we called home for the first three years of our marriage. We took a family picture at "our rock" - the closest approximation of the place where Chris asked me to be his wife (it's hard to know exactly which rock, but this is more or less it). It was strangely poignant and sentimental to return to the same spot six-plus years - and two kids - later. Though many things in our lives have changed, being back in that place makes me all the more thankful for the things that have not.
**I promise there will be more pictures of our trip later this week. In the meantime, check out Carol's blog for all of the fun times we had with them at the beginning and end of our travels.
Posted by Jessica at 11:01 AM 6 comments