One of the unintentional perks of moving here five years ago is our proximity to Chris' family on the coast in Lincoln City. We had Maryn's first birthday party at Aunt Mary's house and we've spent many fun summer afternoons picking blackberries from the bushes that line their driveway. For one reason or another, it had been way too long between visits. And what better excuse to take us back to the coast than a graduation party?
Chris' (second) cousin Tom graduated from high school last weekend. A huge congratulations to him for all he has accomplished thus far, and for the many adventures to come! And also to his parents for raising such a kind, thoughtful, talented son!

You can probably tell in the photos that what began as a slightly overcast day soon became sunny and simply gorgeous. While we were at the party, someone else made mention of Chris' cousin Craig who operates a charter boat for fishing and whale watching excursions. He had just returned from his last trip of the day and graciously agreed to take us out on his boat for a bit. We even saw a whale not too far from shore and Maryn wins the quote of the day award with her excited exclamation upon seeing her "first ocean creature!"