Here's one of Maryn that my brother Tom took last July. This is at a public fountain downtown. I can't wait to take the girls there this summer! And who's that waddling pregnant woman with my kid? :)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
This video thing is fun!
Posted by Jessica at 6:12 PM 3 comments
Video - Lucy babbling
Here's my first attempt at posting a video. Lucy in the high chair babbling and playing with a spoon.
Posted by Jessica at 5:58 PM 6 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Spunky girl
Lucy is six months old today! And what a difference this month has made. It almost feels like we're getting to know a new baby now that her heart has been repaired. In the two weeks since her surgery she has learned how to roll over from her back to her front and gets a little disgruntled by the fact that she cannot yet flip herself from her front to her back. She still enjoys laying on her play mat and grabbing at the toys dangling above her but she now has the energy to roll from one side to the other, allowing her to explore her toys in a whole new way.
Her cry has also changed. Instead of a sad "I just don't feel right and I don't know why" cry it has become an insistent screech or yelp that seems to say "I know EXACTLY what's wrong and know you can fix it so why aren't you doing it NOW?!" It seems she has gained a little attitude and spunk to go along with her newly repaired heart :)
She is continuing to heal quickly and is not in any pain. Her incision is closing well and has already faded quite a bit. The few stitches remaining from the removal of some of the drainage tubes were removed last week and those sites are also healing nicely. We have an appointment with a cardiologist on Thursday to confirm that all is well with Lucy's heart and she has a well baby appointment tomorrow where she will get a few immunizations. She is also cutting her first teeth. The poor thing can't get a break :( No wonder she has developed an early fear of strangers. She only lasts a few minutes with anyone other than mom or dad and won't let us out of her sight when we put her down to play. We hope this will resolve itself before she goes to school :)(These wonderful pictures of Lucy were taken by my amazingly talented friend Kim on the day before Lucy's surgery)
Maryn is also doing well. She had a hard time saying goodbye to Grandma Carol last Friday, but she seems to have recovered and is back to a fairly normal routine. She enjoys reading books and playing with her "choo choo." She is also a great helper around the house and is an excellent duster and dishwasher. I'm appreciating her helpful attitude as I know it will not necessarily continue in the years to come!Maryn on our snow day a couple of weeks ago
Posted by Jessica at 9:44 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
hospital (and home) pictures, part II
Jan 29th:
Lucy's last pre-surgery photo: with Grandma Kathy during breakfast at Denny's (classy, I know :)
Jan 30th:
Shortly after she came off of the respirator.
Jan 31st:
Maryn's first time visiting Lucy post-surgery.
Feb 5th:
Lucy one week after surgery. She's healing so quickly!
Feb 6th:
Grandma Carol cuddling with Maryn, who is RARELY cuddly. We realized later it was because she has the stomach flu :(
Posted by Jessica at 7:44 PM 3 comments
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Lucy is home!
Lucy has continued to improve and we were discharged from the hospital by the cardiologists Saturday morning. I am writing this update from home! Four days after Lucy's surgery we are finally back where we started and our house is bustling with activity. Grandma Kathy and Grandma Carol are still here and are taking great care of us: playing with Maryn, cooking, cleaning, watching Lucy while we catch up on sleep. It is so WONDERFUL to have them here.
Lucy is much the same as before her four-day ordeal with the exception of her scar and a hoarse voice. Her little whimper is so sad. I never thought I'd say it, but I hope her normal cry returns soon. She enjoys playing on her play mat and reaching for toys held over her chest. She was very happy to see her big sister. She still seems a little subdued, but who wouldn't be less than a week after open heart surgery? I am just amazed by her progress and her sweet spirit that takes it all in stride.
We have an appointment with her pediatrician sometime this week to do a physical and remove a few stitches that are left from the drainage tubes. Her scar is held together by glue that will flake off over the next couple of weeks. She's back to nursing and while they want us to supplement her diet with bottles of fortified formula she still refuses to drink from anything but mom.
We'll have some pictures up soon!
Posted by Jessica at 8:49 PM 2 comments