This has been a busier than normal week for us as we have had three groups of out-of-state visitors stop by. Both Chris and I have introvert tendencies and tend to be homebodies so this was a welcome change for us :)
I already blogged about my parents' visit. We had so much fun! And THANK YOU to those of you who have been praying for them regarding the house. They put in an offer on Monday and it was accepted! God has been making it very clear that the timing is right to transition up to Oregon. We can't wait to have them here!
Our second set of visitors were my Uncle Fred and Aunt Kathy. Fred is my dad's brother and he and Aunt Kathy live in Virginia. We don't get to see each other very often - this was their first time meeting both Chris and Lucy - so it was a real treat to spend a day with them as they make their way down the West Coast visiting friends and family. Lucy took an instant liking to Uncle Fred. She loved to look up at him and admire her reflection in his glasses :) We visited for a bit while the girls took naps then headed to Washington Park to play and admire the rose garden. Only Uncle Fred's chicken enchiladas could have made the day even sweeter (or spicier :) Yum!

Thanks to Uncle Fred and Aunt Kathy for visiting! We had a great time with you guys and can't wait to see you again.
We also had the chance to visit with some friends of mine that go all the way back to high school. Pablo and Carissa have two kids the same ages as ours and they all had a great time playing together. They were staying in southeast Portland and we met up at Creston Park to go swimming. I have to say, I LOVE Portland and the abundance of cool neighborhood parks throughout the city. This one had a great play structure, a little wading area, and a neighborhood pool where the kids swam for free. It was so nice to be outdoors and Maryn and Rory had a great time playing bumper floats in the pool. This was Lucy's first time in a large pool, and I don't know if it was fear of water or the bright sun or proximity to nap-time or a combination of the three that made her cling to me like a tiny koala bear. She didn't last very long before I got out to nurse her and put her to sleep. She conked out pretty quickly and slept curled up in a towel under an umbrella. I love the portability of babies!
Pabs and Carissa - I hope the job interviews went well and we look forward to seeing more of you when you move up here for good :)