The goose loves her grandpa - they just crack each other up:
My parents visited us this weekend to embark on their scouting mission to look for a new home. That's right, my parents are officially moving up here! They sold their house in Southern California in 3 days. And the buyers are paying CASH. I joked with my parents that if they needed any further confirmation that they are supposed to move up here, this is it :)
The purpose of their trip was to look for houses, get acquainted with the area and research high schools for my sister. They did end up finding a house they (and we) love. It just so happens to be a 5 minute walk from where we live now. If you're the praying sort I'm sure they would appreciate prayers for everything to work out the way it's meant to. Escrow on the sale of their house ends in July, so they should be up here by August - woohoo!
Even with all of that we managed to get in quite a bit of play time. Mom and I both got our hair cut, we shopped for some cute outfits for the girls (thanks, Mom!) and got out to the farmer's market the last morning they were here. And the best part - Chris and I got to go on a date to play frisbee golf and share an ice cream at Coldstone. So fun! Even with offers from generous friends to watch the kids for an occasional date, we've averaged maybe 5 kid-free outings in the last year. Though there are MANY reasons to be excited about my parents and sister moving closer, we will greatly appreciate the opportunity for more date-nights in the future :)

Let me be the first (on this post)to say that you are a great photographer Jess!
And thanks for documenting our trip so well-we did alot in 3 days!
Lucy in the tutu is soooo cute!
I love the picture of Maryn and her lemonade-beautiful :)
This whole process is so exciting, but I am looking forward to settling in!
Until then I am Gram in transit.
My goodness, I want every one of those pictures. They are wonderful. I'm glad you had such a great time with your parents. I can hardly wait until they are closer to you.
That is so great that your family is going to be so close (and that your parents have gotten so lucky in the selling process so far) you are all going to benefit greatly. Your picutres are looking GREAT!!!
I want to see your hair!! You should give Bear a try with the camera like Miss K did with R :0) And Yeah for date nights!!
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