Friday, May 30, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Lucy crawls!
Well, it's more accurately described as an army/inch-worm belly scoot/wiggle, but she can get from one place to another pretty well while doing it. She's been working toward this for a while, going from scooting backward to doing a swan dive face first in the carpet while tucking her knees and sticking her butt in the air. She can get up on all fours in a typical crawling position but doesn't quite know how to push off from her feet to propel herself forward. The one thing she has down is that she's GREAT at pulling with her arms. She's going to have some major arm muscles pretty soon :) Anyway, it's a huge milestone that I hope will make her happier as she's been a little cranky for the past couple of days.
Here are some pictures of Lucy "exploring" the area under her bouncer: :
Here are some from outside later that day:
And Maryn has been camera-shy lately (she won't even let me bribe her for pictures anymore!) but here are a couple of her in art-mode.
Posted by Jessica at 8:03 AM 7 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Happy Birthday, Hubby!
The day is almost over and I can't let it pass completely without a Happy Birthday blog post for my wonderful husband.
So here's to you, my guitar-playing, humor-loving, hard-working, theology blog-reading, philosophizin', history-loving, sheep-counting, storybook reading, back-rubbing, boo-boo-kissing, volleyball-playing, fantasy baseball-obsessing husband who takes on all these things and more in the course of a normal day and does them all well. I am so grateful and blessed when I think about getting to spend this lifetime with you. ok, I'll stop embarrassing you now :o)
Here are some pictures from the day:

Posted by Jessica at 10:45 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Mother's Day
Here are some photos from our Mother's Day outing to a nature park near our house. It was a beautiful, clear day - perfect for a walk. A friend told us about this park that has a great path with some bridges over a little stream. The park also has a frisbee golf course - we may have to go there again on Father's Day :)

Posted by Jessica at 3:41 PM 3 comments
CA - Part 2
I better finish this post about our trip before I start forgetting all the details!
Sunday was a great day spent visiting with Carol and DB's friends Paula and Chet and Chris' uncle Steve and aunt Debbie. We had a great lunch and the kids really loved hanging out with everyone.
We decided to go down to the boat again that afternoon and had a relaxing time sipping wine and catching up some more. Once again, I could really get used to having a boat!
Monday's adventure was visiting the Little Farm at Tilden Park. Tilden is a great park about 10 minutes from Carol and DB's house. They have a mini steam train and carousel, too, but those were closed during the week. The farm was more than enough fun for one day, though! Maryn got to feed a cow and Lucy got to see a real goose! There were also goats, sheep, chickens, a pig and some rabbits to keep us busy.

One of the highlights of the trip for me was getting to hang out with Chris' sister Laurel. I wish she lived closer so we could spend more time together! The kids love her, too.

Posted by Jessica at 2:23 PM 2 comments