The day is almost over and I can't let it pass completely without a Happy Birthday blog post for my wonderful husband.
So here's to you, my guitar-playing, humor-loving, hard-working, theology blog-reading, philosophizin', history-loving, sheep-counting, storybook reading, back-rubbing, boo-boo-kissing, volleyball-playing, fantasy baseball-obsessing husband who takes on all these things and more in the course of a normal day and does them all well. I am so grateful and blessed when I think about getting to spend this lifetime with you. ok, I'll stop embarrassing you now :o)
Here are some pictures from the day:

Jess, you are so sweet to your hubby! I'll pay you to right something sweet for mine ;-) I hope you guys had a great day!
I love the discription of Chris. Oh so true. I also love the picture of him with the girls. He doesn't like to pose. I want to try the birthday cake lollipops. They are cool. You are also a great wife.
Wow Jess!
Biscuits, Cake on a stick,Farm pick-up, pictures AND a Blog Post!!!
You were a busy wifey!
Thanks for the pictures - I love the one of Maryn in the garden and of course Chris and the girls!!
Happy Birthday Chris!!
With love from
Grandma Kathy
Happy Bday, Topher. Sounds like you guys had a really special day. I LOVE the pic of 'chris and his girls'.
Happy Belated Birthday, Chris! We're thinking of you!! We sure had fun visiting with Jess and the girls. Hope we get to see you soon, too.
Aunt Debbie, Uncle Stovo, Rachel and Adam
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