This one deserved a post of its own! On our last full day at Wallowa Lake my mom and I decided to take the kids on a hike. Our friends told us about an easy 1-mile round trip hike up to a bridge and back that was quite doable for little legs and short attention spans. So off we went!
Here are the kids at the trail-head: ready to go!

And a few steps later we were at the waterfall. Poor Lucy is still rubbing her itchy watery eyes and Maryn looks drugged and tired:
We turned around to go back and as I had assured Maryn on our way up: going down is always 10x easier. Until you take a tumble and scrape your hand in sight of the car at the trailhead (poor Maryn!)
Only one thing could console us - Ice Cream! Everything's better with a little sugary treat:
And that is the story of how we survived our 3+ mile hike. Now anytime the girls complain about a long walk or bike ride, I remind them that if they could finish that hike, they can do anything! They are very proud of themselves for having made it, but request that we keep it to shorter hikes from now on. I think my mom agrees :)
Such great pictures! I can't believe the girls did as well as they did on a 3+ mile hike! Super troopers :)
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